Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mayhem in the Morning

35 weeks 3 days pregnant and this morning I felt every bit of it. Somehow in a house of 2 little ladies 3 and under, 2 dogs and a husband who was supposed to be at work 30 minutes ago we all over slept. First I hear the thud of my 9 month old dog Ranger’s cast hitting our bedroom floor as he stretches and begins to whine for me to get up and start his morning routine. Ray my husband mumbles and groans, apparently sleep finally came to him at 3am; got to love insomnia! Ella my oldest daughter is dressing herself, and Evelyn is screaming at  me from her bed.

8:05 - 25 minutes to get dressed, take out the dog, give dog meds, check his cast, let out second dog, dress 2 girls, make breakfast, find my husband’s lost hat, pack lunch, pack a back pack, find keys.

8:37 - almost done and out the door!

8:45 – Ella is off to school, I am home with the little lady, baby Ray begins his morning exercise within my womb, and I already on the phone fighting with Verizon! YAY! It is most definitely time for that half caf cup of coffee I limit myself to.

9:00 – STILL fighting with Verizon. I have ordered coffee online as well as paid several bills during this argument with Verizon. I have also managed to wash 2 sinks full dishes. What amazes me is that there were none when I went to bed last night! I am going to take a wild guess and say that Evelyn’s molars coming in and that would explain the crying, screaming, red faced monster attached to my leg right now.

9:20 – Evelyn’s medicine has kicked in YAY, I can hear myself think. Now to call the veterinarian and explain to them (hopefully without feeling like the worst dog owner in the world) that a $4000 surgery for his broken leg is completely out of the question. Did I mention I am 8 months pregnant and about to have 3 children 3 and under? Poor dog, got caught in an animal trap illegally set close to our house, it broke his leg and resulted in a blue cast to his shoulder on a very playful, very energetic dog.

9:45 – An appointment has been set for Ranger to get the 1st of his weekly cast re-structures done right after Ella is done with school. I walk into the hall after hanging up to find Evelyn crayon in hand. “Mommy we draw on paper right?” she says, I respond “yes baby we draw on paper” Evelyn “oops”… 30 minutes spent scrubbing the wall where her artistic ability has been beautifully expressed.

Finally for this thought let’s skip ahead to 12:35. Errands have been run, as Evelyn and I approach the front door I pray our poor puppy has been good while we were away. Because his cast is all the way up his leg he no longer fits in his kennel, thus meaning he went from kennel trapped dog to free range puppy. Upon first inspection of the house I sigh a deep breath of satisfaction…Until I notice the black spots all over his front legs and neck. Puzzled I step deeper into each room turning on lights. There it is, the shattered black ball point pen on the brand new white down comforter on my nicely made bed.

Breath Cassie…Breath

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